成份:淮山, 生薏米, 龍眼肉, 芡實, 百合, 蓮子, 雪耳, 貝母.
有助緩解:滋陰降火, 益肺養顏, 潤燥生津, 除燥清熱, 潤肺止咳, 化痰平喘.
適用人群:皮膚乾燥, 口乾舌燥, 慢性支氣管炎, 燥熱咳嗽, 哮喘, 肺虛, 久咳者.
用法:可加豬肉/豬骨, 雪梨/蘋果, 煲1~2 小時.
Ingredients: Chinese Yam, Raw Barley, Longan Flesh, Gordon Euryale Seed, Lilii Bulbus, Nelumbinis Semen (Lotus Seeds), Snow Fungus, Unibract Fritillary Bulb.
Benefits: Nourish lungs. Beautify the skin. Moisten lung. Reduce cough. Resolve sputum. Relieve asthmatic symptoms.
Method: Stew for 1- 2 hours with pork or pork bones and pears and apples.
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