成份:川芎, 白芍, 熟地, 當歸, 茯苓.
有助緩解:養血, 活血, 行氣.
適用人群:血虛體質, 氣虛體質, 腎虛寒冷體質.
注意事項:容易出血, 不易止血, 腸胃功能不佳, 身體在發炎, 體質偏熱或更年期症狀明顯者, 有子宮肌瘤者不宜使用.
Ingredients: Szechwan Lovage Rhizome (Chuanxiong), White Peony Root, Chinese Angelica, Prepared Rehmannia Root, Indian Buead Tuckahoe.
Benefits: Cleanse Liver, brighten vision, reduce blood pressure & lipid, relief red & dry eyes symptom, better taste in the mouth and prevent constipation.
Method: Boil with 2500ml of water, and then stew for 1.5 hours.
Contraindication: People who are bleeding easily and difficult to stop bleeding or have a poor gastrointestinal function, with an inflamed body, those with a hot physique or obvious symptoms of menopause and those with uterine fibroids should not use.
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