成份:黨參特級, 茯苓卷, 川芎, 當歸, 炙甘草, 黑棗, 白朮, 熟地, 白芍.
有助緩解:氣血雙補,緩解冬天手足冰冷. 容易疲勞、月經量少、起立時頭暈、經期頭暈頭痛、準備懷小孩的女士.
適用人群:月經不調, 養顏美容, 豐胸, 補血補氣.
注意事項:有感冒發炎症狀的人, 月經期間的女性, 脾胃虛寒的人, 子宮肌瘤者不宜使用.
Ingredients: Codonopsis, Indian Buead Tuckahoe, Szechwan Lovage Rhizome (Chuanxiong), Chinese Angelica, Honey-Fried Licorice Root, Dateplum Persimmon, Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, Prepared Rehmannia Root, White Peony Root.
Benefits: Build Blood and Qi (energy), Improve blood circulation (cold hands and feet), Reliefs dizziness, Fatigue, Low menstrual flow, Menstrual dizziness, Menstrual headache and women who are preparing for pregnancy.
Method: Stew for 1.5 hours with 2500 ml of water and chicken.
Contraindication: People who have symptoms of cold and inflammation, or during menstruation, or with spleen and stomach deficiency and those with uterine fibroids should not use.
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