成份:川芎, 當歸, 熟地, 白芍, 益母草, 木香, 川楝子, 蘇木, 紅花, 大桃仁.
有助緩解:適用經期不順, 經痛, 經前長青春痘人群.
適用人群:經前長青春痘人群. 經期不順, 經痛, 經前長青春痘.
用法:3碗水煮成1碗, 一天一幅.
Ingredients: Szechwan Lovage Rhizome (Chuanxiong), Chinese Angelica, Prepared Rehmannia Root, White Peony Root, Motherwort Herb, Costustoot, Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit, Sappan Wood, Safflower, Persicae Semen (Peach Seed).
Benefits: Balance Hormone & Endocrine and Regulate menstruation.
Method: Cook with 1000ml of water, boil then simmer until approx 300ml left.
Contraindication: Avoid drinking during menstruation and pregnancy.
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